Sunday, March 15, 2015

Compensation plan

 I want you to trust that baby steps will get you wherever you want to go with this business, but I also want you to have an overview of the potential you have as a new business owner and where to get started. Whether you’re joining our business to offset the cost of your Juice Plus+ or if you have bigger goals in mind, you and/or someone you know could benefit from this opportunity. Some people climb through this business plan to National Marketing Director in 2 years while others have taken 20 years, however, this is YOUR business and you can take as long as you need to reach whatever goal you set for yourself. The flexibility is what attracted me to the business, but I will tell you, it is much easier and a whole lot more fun to go fast than it is to go slow. I recommend locking arms with your upline to help you Fast Track to Sales Coordinator your first 4-6 months.What is most important is your first 30-60 days as you Fast Track to VF and continue on to SC. Create lasting momentum, keep it SIMPLE and have FUN!