Sunday, June 7, 2015

1. Welcome... Start Here!

Welcome to #TeamTrigger and the Juice Plus+ Company! We are excited to kick off this business training with the intention of teaching you the basic tools to get your business moving quickly. Our company's motto is “One Team-One Mission”, and you have a strong support network that includes your sponsoring upline, team leaders, corporate headquarters and other distributors on our team. Some of you may be brand new Distributors and some may have already reached new promotions, either way we're in this together! Our intention is to teach you how simple this business can be so you in turn can Duplicate quickly and teach your downline. This is a self paced training so go through this as quickly as you would like. 

Check out the short videos (on the right side of the page) from our leaders and how they got started with our company! This is a relationship business and I can't wait for you to meet my best friends and teammates! Let’s get started!

2. Building Your Belief

There are 3 VITAL things you must have to be successful in this business:
1. Belief in the PRODUCT
2. Belief in the COMPANY
3. Belief in YOURSELF!
You probably already have belief in the product; you have a reason you LOVE Juice Plus+, so let's look at building your belief in our Company. Here’s are a few fun facts about the company you have chosen to be a part of. How many companies do you know that......

  1. are 45 years old & debt free? Ours is!
  2. Ship product to their customers before they pay for them, and have a 100% money back guarantee? Ours does!
  3. offer a product that everyone needs, everyone can afford, but almost no-one has? Ours does!
  4. Back their products with gold standard clinical research instead of marketing pizzazz? Ours does!
  5. Have the highest standards of certification for their products and quality control (NSF, Kosher, TGA, Swiss Medic)? Ours has!
  6. Care so much about our next generation that they provide free product for children and teens, for up to 4 years (totaling $250 million so far) to secure their health? Ours does!
  7. Have thousands of unsolicited medial experts underwriting their efforts? Ours does!
  8. Give generously to many deserving charities - both money and time? Ours does!
  9. Ensure that every aspect of their products and their manufacturing are eco-friendly? Ours does!
  10. Offer a business model with very low start-up costs, virtually no overheads, no territorial restrictions? Ours does!
  11. Teach you, at no cost, everything you need to know to be successful here, anywhere else in business, and in life? Ours does!
  12. Will give you a 14% raise and a $300 cash bonus in your first 30 days? Ours does!
  13. Have given $8.6 million in cash bonuses in the past 4 years (during the recession)? Ours has!
  14. Continue to pay you, even when you're unable to work? Ours does!
  15. Allow you to restart in the same position/level after any length of sabbatical, without any demotion or penalties? Ours does!
  16. Have no glass ceiling or ceiling of any kind, with room at the top for everyone? Ours does!
  17. Offer a huge benefits package and annual bonus to those in higher positions, even though we are not employees? Ours does!
  18. Handle all inventory, order processing, billing and shipping, as well as research and manufacturing? Ours does!

3. Housekeeping

You should have received an initial email verifying that you are signing up as a distributor.   Once you accept and submit, you will receive another welcome email with your username and password. If you already logged on and set things up, check this off.

Once you are on your Virtual Office, you can set up your personal Juice Plus+ and Tower Garden websites. These are the websites you will give to friends, family and other prospects for them to learn more and/or order their Juice Plus+ products. Here's another video from Michelle walking you through exactly how to set up your personal JP web sites. 

Next, go to "My Personal File" , "edit Personal Information" and sign up for Automatic Deposite. (Each paper check that gets sent charges you $3.00)
Next, Sign up for your Transform30 website via
Everyone should hear this call to understand the T30 system. It is only 30 minutes long. 
(605) 562-3132 Code: 631372# Ref 94#

4. Mission Driven System... All of YOUR resources in one spot!

THIS is your place to find all things for building, sharing, and duplicating your business! Get to know this page really really well!
Start from the top, and work your way down!

5. Memory Jogger

Once you have a solid start to this list, you will have a 45 minute call with your sponsor to dive into verbiage and a texting blitz! We will help you learn what to say.
1. "Share Your Journey"
2. "Who?"

Even before you know WHAT to say – the important factor is WHO to talk to. VERY IMPORTANT! If you haven’t already started a list of names to share Juice Plus+ with, it’s time to commit to this activity. Turn to the Memory Jogger in your Starter Guide or go to Prospects on your Virtual Office and start adding names electronically. If your goal is to Fast Track to Virtual Franchisee and then continue on to Sales Coordinator, work to writing down  at least 200 names. Don’t think you know that many people? Look at your friends list on Facebook, Twitter, or any social media source. Think of family, old school friends, neighbors, colleagues, church friends, the mailman, your Starbucks Barista, people you do business with – EVERYONE you love and care about. Don’t prejudge – it’s our responsibility to offer solutions – we just want to hear them say YES to learning more, so they can make an educated decision. I like to list mine in two groups – local and long distance. You can invite local friends to local events and then share JP with long-distance friends over the phone and Facebook. 

NEXT STEP: WRITE NAMES AND THEN STAR 5 PEOPLE YOU WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE OF IN YOUR LIFE – the people you want to invite to join our team. Again, don’t prejudge but star the people you would call your Dream Team (they may be looking for extra income, be health conscious, be mission-driven, fun!). TEXT THOSE 5 NAMES TO YOUR UPLINE RIGHT NOW.  We want to start sharing Juice Plus with these people first – as we know some individuals require multiple exposures before ordering and perhaps more before joining our team. We will coach you on each step until we meet with your potential dream team members. This is where the fun really begins!

5. Placing Orders

You may already be a customer with Juice Plus+ under your sponsor. If so, you will want to call corporate and have that order moved under you, so you get credit the next time it ships. Simply call Distributor Support at 901-850-3000 (save this number for future reference... do it now!) and tell them you signed up to be a distributor and want to move your order. 

Or maybe it's time to order your own Juice Plus+ product. If so, you will do that on your Virtual Office. Log in and then click on "My Customers" and "Submit Customer Order". Here's a short video to walk you through the process. (You can even do this straight from your smartphone. After you log into your Virtual Office on your phone for the first time -- it's mobile friendly -- you can save your Virtual Office On the Go -- VOGO -- to your home screen for easy future access.)

You can place orders for your customers on your Virtual Office just like you did for yourself in the above training. Or, you can encourage people to order for themselves through your personal Juice Plus+ website. Your customers can order every product there, but they can’t place Children’s Health Study orders on your site. That is one order you must place for them on your Virtual Office. 

What is the Children's Health Study? An adult can put a child (age 4-18 or full time undergrad student) on the CHS for up to 4 years as long as they continue to take Juice Plus+.  Here’s a video that shows you how to place a CHS order in your Virtual Office. Please ask your upline or message a team lead if you have questions with this process.

6. Communication & Education

An important part of this journey is our communication with your upline & team! We have our Shining Star FB page as well as #‎Team‬Trigger group that you’ll be added to for most of our communication and training tools (under files). We also use a free app called Voxer to connect and message each other which you can download on any smartphone. Please download it now if you don’t already have it. The beauty of Voxer is you can message us when it’s convenient for you, and we can answer back when it’s convenient for us. 

As for staying connected and up to date on all the latest in our business, continue to educate yourself. We prefer our team to be active in "revenue-producing" activities, but there are a few training calls you need to make a priority each week to grow your business. 

1. Tuesday at 9am PST “Rep Rap” conference call (30 min) 
USA 605 562-3130 Passcode: 137450# 
Canada (605) 562-3107 Passcode: 137450#
UK +44 (0) 330 606 0182 Passcode: 137450#

2. Monthly #TeamTrigger Call: 1st Monday of the month at 6pm PST