Sunday, June 7, 2015

CE: TOOLS- Video Links to Share

Videos are a powerful tool. Let someone else do the talking, and then share your experience. It's that simple!
There are so many great videos that are awesome to share with friends and family about Juice Plus+, the Tower Gardens and our business. You can find several videos on your Juice Plus+ website and even more on the Juice Plus+ and Tower Garden Official YouTube Channels.

Below are some of our favorite videos that we have put into Safe Share links (easy to do: just go to and paste your youtube video) which will give you a clean viewing without any other “suggested” videos showing up. You can copy and save your favorite links in a note on your phone. Then, when you’re visiting with someone and ask if they’re open to learning more, you have some videos to choose from to send them a link.

NOTE: Here is a YouTube Playlist that our own Heather Addington put together.…

Spend some time going through these short videos and you will start to pick up on key verbiage that we use to share Juice Plus+ (ie. JP is a way to Bridge the Gap between what we should eat and what we don’t eat, the USDA recommends a minimum of 7-13 servings of fruits and veggies). 

It’s Your Life, Make it Complete (1:35):\
Convenient and Simple - It doesn't get much easier (1:55 min)
The Juice Plus+ Product Line - What's your favorite? (1:33 min)
How Juice Plus is Made – 2 minutes
Farm to Capsule – 1 minute


Emma Buckley: Juice Plus Bridging the Gap – 1 minute
Taste Happiness and Enjoy Juice Plus Complete – Emma Buckley – 4 minutes
Emma Buckley Juice Plus Children’s Health Study – 2 minutes

Gen Y:

What is Juice Plus? A Seamless Solution – 1 minute
The New Generation of Food Challenges: A Complete Solution – 2 minutes

Tower Garden:

How do you Tower Garden? (2:08 min)

Business Introduction Videos:

How easy is the Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise? (2:00 min)
The Juice Plus+ Business in One Word (1:34 min)
Changing Lives (2:13 min)
Juice Plus – Who We Are – Dan Holzmann – 6 minutes

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