Sunday, June 7, 2015

5. Memory Jogger

Once you have a solid start to this list, you will have a 45 minute call with your sponsor to dive into verbiage and a texting blitz! We will help you learn what to say.
1. "Share Your Journey"
2. "Who?"

Even before you know WHAT to say – the important factor is WHO to talk to. VERY IMPORTANT! If you haven’t already started a list of names to share Juice Plus+ with, it’s time to commit to this activity. Turn to the Memory Jogger in your Starter Guide or go to Prospects on your Virtual Office and start adding names electronically. If your goal is to Fast Track to Virtual Franchisee and then continue on to Sales Coordinator, work to writing down  at least 200 names. Don’t think you know that many people? Look at your friends list on Facebook, Twitter, or any social media source. Think of family, old school friends, neighbors, colleagues, church friends, the mailman, your Starbucks Barista, people you do business with – EVERYONE you love and care about. Don’t prejudge – it’s our responsibility to offer solutions – we just want to hear them say YES to learning more, so they can make an educated decision. I like to list mine in two groups – local and long distance. You can invite local friends to local events and then share JP with long-distance friends over the phone and Facebook. 

NEXT STEP: WRITE NAMES AND THEN STAR 5 PEOPLE YOU WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE OF IN YOUR LIFE – the people you want to invite to join our team. Again, don’t prejudge but star the people you would call your Dream Team (they may be looking for extra income, be health conscious, be mission-driven, fun!). TEXT THOSE 5 NAMES TO YOUR UPLINE RIGHT NOW.  We want to start sharing Juice Plus with these people first – as we know some individuals require multiple exposures before ordering and perhaps more before joining our team. We will coach you on each step until we meet with your potential dream team members. This is where the fun really begins!

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