Sunday, June 7, 2015

9. Having the Conversation

Here is a potential conversation you could have after identifying a need for the capsules or chewables:

“…I would really love to share something with you, Sarah. If there was a way I could show you…
- how you could improve your immune system 
- a way to keep your kids healthier this flu season
- a way to help your father improve his health
…is that something you would be open to learning about?” or
…is that something you would want to take a look at?”

(They say yes, what is it?) 

“It’s Juice Plus+. Have you ever heard of it?”
(Yes – then say “so you take it too?” or No – then continue with verbiage.)

I first heard about Juice Plus+…

It made complete sense to me because…

I love it and will take it forever because…”

“May I make a suggestion?”

(Sure.) Then say one of the following…

“I’d love for you to meet my friend, (sponsor’s name and say something about him/her like she’s been eating JP for years, etc.). If I sent you a short video, would you watch it and (sponsor) and I could call to get your thoughts and answer any questions you may have.” OR

“I’m hosting (or) My friend is hosting an educational event on Facebook that you can plug into, would you like me to send you an invite? You can hop on and learn more at your convenience.”
“I’m having a wine and wellness at my house where you can learn more, are you available…” OR
“I’m hosting (or) My friend is hosting a smoothie tasting where you can learn more, are you available…?” OR
“We have a speaker coming to town…”
(Optional close)“I’m excited for you to check it out. If you like what you learn, GREAT, I can help you take the next step! Worst case scenario, we get to hang out and learn together…no hard feelings. Fair enough?”

Recently, my favorite phrase when talking to people about Juice Plus is “Have you Considered….?” Try that with the next person you talk to…or use it as a way to present Juice Plus to businesses or doctors. Ex. When talking to a restaurant…”Have you considered adding a whole food protein shake or bar to your menu?”; to a doctor : “Have you considered offering whole food nutrition to your patients that can help them improve their immune function? Would you be interested in information that could create a secondary income source for your practice by sharing the most well researched nutritional product in the world?”

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