Sunday, June 7, 2015

8. Your Story, Your Experience

Everyone has a story so start with writing your own personal Juice Plus+ Story. Even if you haven’t received your Juice Plus yet, you have a story of why you chose to start taking Juice Plus+. Speak from your heart and keep it short (less than 20-30 seconds) and then practice, practice, practice. Get with your sponsor and you can roll play your story. 
Keep your story short and simple.
Example, here is Amy's story:
I first learned about Juice Plus at a fitness conference 8 years ago. My husband and I knew we didn’t eat enough fruits and veggies and immediately ordered the product. Knowing that Juice Plus+ has clinical research is what really sold me on the products and since adding Juice Plus+ to our daily diet; I have healed from systemic inflammation in my body that has allowed me to run again. My kids are rarely sick and I have peace of mind knowing that I am getting a wide variety of nutrients that my body needs to protect it from disease.

(PLEASE Share your story on our #TeamTrigger FB page, or with your Sponsor! Practice makes perfect.)

So when and how do you “use” your story? Learn this phrase: "I MAY HAVE SOMETHING THAT CAN HELP."

The first step is a having a conversation, either by phone or in person. Asking questions and listening – I mean REALLY listening. Every single day you hear people say I’m tired; I have been sick and my kids are sick too; we’re so busy and eating too much fast food… THIS is a great opener to use that magic line and share your story. One of the most important components of a great story is your sincerity and heart. As you are sharing your story with your family, friends, colleagues, you will be well received if you are sharing from a place of honesty, humor, and humility (no hype just hope). Remember, it’s not about you, but what your story can do for them! Your goal in sharing your story is TO INTRIGUE THEM ENOUGH TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP. That could be watching a video, attending an event, joining a FB party, attending our team Webinar or setting up an attraction call with your upline. Then you have opened the door to better health for them and their family! Your goal is not to get them to say YES to JP from your story. It’s to get them to say YES to learning more!

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